Sex After Hernia Surgery

An essential element of a spousal relationship is physical closeness and sex, but medical issues and surgery can disrupt this close bond. People frequently inquire as to when they may resume their jobs or their athletic endeavors following hernia surgery, but they avoid discussing the subject of when they can resume an intimate relationship or […]

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After Hernia Surgery

Patients often ask what to expect after hernia repair surgery. Your recovery time will vary based on a few factors, such as your age, the type of hernia you had, the type of hernia repair surgery, and your overall health. Mild to moderate pain and a feeling of being a little under the weather are […]

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Recurrent Hernias

A recurrent hernia is when another one occurs in the general area of a previously repaired hernia. A hernia may recur months or even years following surgery, despite the success of most hernia procedures. However, the risk of developing a recurrent hernia is most significant in the first two years after surgery. What causes recurrent […]

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Abdominal Core Health

A new concept in the treatment of abdominal wall diseases is abdominal core health. Members of the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative (ACHQC; previously the Americas Hernia Society Quality Collaborative, or AHSQC) aim to redefine the hernia care field in surgery as abdominal core health, noting that abdominal core health encompasses more than just hernia repairs. […]

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Hernia Surgery Dallas, TX: Things to Consider

How do I find the best hernia surgeon in Dallas? While there are many surgeons who do hernia surgery in Dallas, we recommend finding a surgeon whose sole focus is hernia repair and complex hernia repair. Because a focused-on-hernias surgeon will have seen more hernia surgeries than those practicing varied types of procedures, he or […]

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Hernia Mesh: 15 Questions You Probably Have

Hernia repairs are common, with more than one million hernia repairs performed each year in the United States. Surgical grade mesh is frequently used in hernia repair and is proven to be helpful in reducing the hernia’s return (also known as hernia recurrence, complex hernia). Our listen-first approach to patient care means we hear a […]

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Diastasis Recti: Abdominal Separation FAQs

Diastasis recti is a separation of the abdomins muscles that typically occurs in pregnant and postpartum women but can also be present in men. The rectus abdominis muscles (six-pack ab muscles) stretch during pregnancy. The separation can make a person’s belly stick out or bulge months or years postpartum What is diastasis recti? Diastasis recti (also […]

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How long does hernia surgery take?

Basic hernia surgery is a common surgical procedure performed by general surgeons. Complex hernia surgery is performed less often and by fewer surgeons. Because of the complexity of the hernia (previous failure, size of hernia, etc.), complex hernia surgery is more extensive in scope and time.  The Iskandar Complex Hernia Center performs both basic and […]

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